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Why Canopy Brothers? NFTs?

What makes the Canopy Brothers so relatable is that they are like many of us! Neither Dewey nor Dennis can write a piece of code, draw beautiful art pieces, or even blog really for that matter.

But they have seen so much over the past year in Web3 through the ups and downs and want to be able to share and laugh about moments while getting to meet new communities at the same time through NFTs!

Part of several Web3 communities including: 

What Now?

  • Play our NFT community-inspired EtherJump Levels on the Play page!

  • Join various communities and learn about NFTs, Web3, art, and more.

  • Follow us on social media!​

What's Next?

  • Additional EtherJump Plot levels using NFTs

  • Twitter Engagement with various Web3 communities

  • NFT Giveaways

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